functions and helpers for interacting with the operation system and shell
The System module provides access to operating system functionality, environment variables, process management, and system information.
Key Concepts
- Environment variable access
- System information retrieval
- Process execution and management
- Command-line argument handling
- Configuration management
Basic Usage
System Information
; get system information
print ["OS:" sys\os]
print ["CPU Arch:" sys\cpu\arch]
print ["CPU Cores:" sys\cpu\cores]
print ["Endianness:" sys\cpu\endian]
print ["Hostname:" sys\hostname]
; OS: macos
; CPU Arch: amd64
; CPU Cores: 8
; Endianness: little
; Hostname: drkameleons-MBP.home
; get process information
proc: process
print ["PID:" proc\id]
; PID: 92123
Environment Variables
; access environment variables
vars: env
print ["PATH:" env\PATH]
print ["HOME:" env\HOME]
; check specific variable
if key? env 'ARTURO_HOME ->
print ["Arturo home:" env\ARTURO_HOME]
Command Execution
; simple command execution
result: execute "ls -l"
print result
; with arguments as block
files: execute.args:["-l" "-a"] "ls"
; get exit code
status: execute.code "some_command"
if status <> 0 ->
print "Command failed!"
; asynchronous execution
pid: execute.async "long_running_process"
print ["Started process:" pid]
; direct shell execution
execute.directly "echo 'hello' > output.txt"
when you need to check if a command succeeded, andexecute.async
for long-running processes that shouldn't block.
Command-line Arguments
; access command line arguments
arg ; get raw arguments list as a block
; arg\0 -> first argument
; arg\1 -> second argument, etc...
inspect args
; with: -a --boom --c:123 "one"
; [ :dictionary
; a : true :logical
; boom : true :logical
; c : 123 :integer
; values : [ :block
; one :string
; ]
; ]
Common Patterns
Process Management
define :processManager [
start: function [command][
pid: execute.async command
print ["Started process:" pid]
return pid
stop: function [pid][
terminate pid
print ["Terminated process:" pid]
stopWithCode: function [pid code][
terminate.code:code pid
print ["Terminated process:" pid "with code:" code]
processManager: to :processManager []!
; let's start another Arturo process
pid: processManager\start sys\binary
pause 1000
processManager\stop pid
Configuration Management
; example configuration helper
getConfig: function [key defaultValue][
if key? config key ->
return config\[key]
return defaultValue
; usage
port: getConfig 'server_port 8080
host: getConfig 'server_host "localhost"
Path Management
; get path information
print ["Current dir:" path\current]
print ["Home dir:" path\home]
print ["Temp dir:" path\temp]
System Checks
; check for administrator/root privileges
if superuser? ->
print "Running with elevated privileges"
; check if running as standalone script
if standalone? ->
print "Running as standalone script"
; forcefully exit